Some days there truly just isn’t a substitute for the authentic flavor of a good taqueria burrito – the days when a trip to Chipotle just won’t cut it. Luckily, if you happen to be in Columbia, Maryland, there’s a restaurant hidden inside an unassuming international grocery store that has exactly what you’re looking for. Mercadito Express can appear unassuming, but once you’ve tried the food they serve out of the back, you’ll never forget the name.
Located at the corner of the Columbia Business Center, right next to the MVA, Mercadito Express appears on the outset to be a run-of-the-mill grocery store. But inside, it just happens to have a lunch counter that makes some truly delicious and authentic meals.
Inside, the shelves are packed with tons of international options that you won’t find many other places. Mercadito Express has everything you need to fill out the international food section of your pantry, from the range of hot sauces and salsas…
…To these Izalco tablets which make a perfect cup of rich Mexican hot chocolate. Unlike the American variety, Mexican hot chocolate tablets are spiced with cinnamon and contain more bittersweet chocolate, giving it a richer but less sweet flavor than usual.
The frozen section also sells Latin American brands of ice cream, if you’re looking to expand your culinary adventure to include a sweet treat. After you browse to your heart’s content, if you make your way to the back of the store…
…You’ll find the counter, where you can order whatever traditional taqueria options you could want - tacos, burritos, quesadillas, fajitas, and a whole range of meal plates that will leave your mouth watering.
The burritos are stuffed with delicious Spanish-style rice, beans, lettuce, and whichever flavorful marinated and grilled meat you choose. They’re served with fresh salsa and sour cream, and they make a perfect summer lunch.
Next time you’re at the MVA in Columbia, make sure you give Mercadito Express a visit! They don’t have a website or a Facebook page, but you can access their menu online and check out all the delightful authentic options. And if you’re a bit of a bookworm (like me), Mercadito also happens to be two doors down from this surprising used bookstore, so you can grab your lunch and a bit of reading material for your wait!
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