It takes a special kind of person to live in the Garden State and embrace all its quirks, and that’s why New Jerseyans have so much pride in the state. I’ve been living here all my life, and I’m still discovering unique things about the state every day. For visitors and new arrivals, though, this state can take you by surprise all the time! There are a lot of unexpected things in this state – ranging from strange roadside attractions and natural wonders, to food we take way too seriously. If you haven’t lived in the state for long, these ten photos of unique spots in New Jersey might be Greek to you. Even if you’ve lived here for a long time, some of them still might take you by surprise!

How many of these unique items and unique spots in New Jersey were you familiar with? What are your favorite only-in-New-Jersey things we didn’t cover? Let us know in the comments section! This is just scratching the surface – rural New Jersey has many more secrets waiting for you. There is so much to see in New Jersey, so make sure you’re covered in New Jersey pride when you go exploring!


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