You Might Be Surprised To Hear The Predictions About South Carolina's Wetter-Than-Normal Upcoming Winter
By AnneMarie|Published September 29, 2023
South Carolina has been home for AnneMarie since 2001. Her favorite part of the state is Lake Jocassee. An App State alumna, it's always the mountains; the lake bonus makes it heavenly. When not writing about the state, she may be spending time with family, relaxing by the pool, or out somewhere enjoying nature.
As the fall season begins and we look towards the holidays and end of the year, one of the biggest questions at the forefront of everyone’s minds is what is this year’s winter weather going to be like? We’ve got to get holiday plans in order and make decisions about clothing to pack or wear to gatherings as well as potential travel plans for visiting family or attending special events. The nice thing about living in the southeastern area of the country is that generally speaking, winters are usually mild. Yet, you might be surprised about part of this year’s Farmers’ Almanac winter predictions for South Carolina!
The 2023-2024 winter predictions for South Carolina include more precipitation than normal. So if you don't have a good umbrella, it would be a good idea to invest in one to use in the coming winter months. South Carolinians know that the word precipitation during the winter usually means rain for most of the state, since our temps don't usually reach levels that facilitate snow and ice.
The million-dollar question for those considering Farmers' Almanac predictions for the season always seems to be: What are the chances for snow this year? Some of us would love to see more than just a dusting, even if just one good snow! Of course, some years we don't see a single flake.
And even with the best attempts at predictions from the experts, it really just all boils down to whether or not there will be precipitation during a colder spell. This year's winter predictions for South Carolina do include an expectation for below-normal temperatures at times, with colder periods falling in early December, early and late January, and mid-February. Overall throughout the season, average winter temperatures are expected.
Whether or not we actually see any snow, there are some opportunities for beautiful nature scenes after the rain! This shot was captured in the ACE Basin area of the lowcountry just following a storm, leaving behind this incredible display of clouds and light.
Rainbows are the more common post-storm sight, and there should be plenty of opportunities to see these beautiful shows of nature over the winter season this year!