You might think that sunken excavations are confined to adventure movie scripts, but in reality, there is one right here in our backyard. This part of the city of San Pedro, California is our very own mysterious underwater city in Southern California.
The reason for the sinking city was a landslide back in 1929. Nearly the entire neighborhood slid right into the ocean!
The area around the ruins is truly stunning, and it’s easy to understand why so many people try to explore this site. But make sure you stay outside the “No trespassing” signs because it’s illegal and very unsafe to actually walk on the ruins.
You can even get a trespassing fine, or worse, end up falling down the rocks if you cross the fence.
Don’t worry, though. Those who have ventured here before have provided us with lots of photos that will make you feel like you’re examining the evidence yourself, even the little details. They’re sure to pique your curiosity!
The water is so beautiful here, it’s no wonder why so many people made San Pedro their home early in the 20th century. It’s incredible how much of the neighborhood actually sank. Homes, rail tracks, and even sidewalks and streets fell away from their original places.
Here you can see the foundations of the houses and other evidence of what life was like back in the 1920s in this coastal town in Los Angeles. Of course, many of them have been defaced over the years, but you can still clearly see the pieces left behind by this little town.
The pieces of the sunken city are fascinating and thought-provoking. The time when the land was falling at a rate of 11 inches per day must have been surreal and scary, and it’s certainly an interesting tale to this day.
San Pedro, Los Angeles’ “Sunken City,” has an incredibly unlikely story behind it. How often do entire areas sink into the sea? Thankfully, there are enough photos of the place that you can feel like you’re visiting!