8 Privileges Milwaukeeans Have That The Rest Of The U.S. Doesn't
Milwaukee might be highly underrated, but if you’ve spent any amount of time here you’ll understand how great it actually is. Specifically, we have some privileges that other cities simply don’t. Whether it be the brewing history we were built upon, greenery as far as the eye can see, or some really, really good cheese, these are eight of the privileges only residents of Milwaukee can claim.

As home to the history of many large brewing companies — Miller, Schlitz, Pabst — Milwaukee is truly the beer capital of the nation. With our German heritage and the Great Lake providing great water to brew even better beer, Milwaukee has unanimously always been the star of the beer world. Now, there’s not often a street without a bar or a restaurant serving up the best of the best.

It's common knowledge that Wisconsin is the Dairy Land, but with Milwaukee’s food culture rapidly expanding, we’ve perfected our dairy roots! If you're looking for a cheese plate, creamery, or a burger topped with the finest aged cheeses, Milwaukee is the place to be.

Milwaukee is unofficially named the "City of Festivals" and no city in the country can top that. Our summers are filled with festivals every week, and this isn't even counting the endless community street fairs. Besides hosting dozens of major ethnic and cultural festivals, we’re home to the largest music festival in the world — Summerfest.

Some people might call this unnecessary, we call it delicious. There’s nothing better than a burger doused in butter. Hey, there’s even a law in Wisconsin prohibiting the sale of margarine over butter, so clearly, we take our butter seriously!

Here in Milwaukee, we will forever choose brats over hot dogs, and that’s probably because we have the best. Our strong German heritage brought us beer, but it also brought us brats! We are home to the best bratwurst around, and no cookout is complete without a Usinger’s sausage.

Milwaukee might as well be the frozen custard capital of the country. We make our custard right, and we make a lot of it! If you have the privilege of experiencing this sweet dessert in our city, you have to visit Leon’s.

Friday night fish frys have become a staple in every Milwaukeean’s week. Not only do we have the honor of consistently eating amazing fried fish, coleslaw, rye bread, and potato pancakes, but we get to do it with the whole community, all the while listening and dancing to old-fashioned polka music. We do fish frys right.

Lake living is truly a privilege, and until you’ve lived upon the shores of one you may not understand. Living on Lake Michigan is one of the greatest privileges we have, from the watersport opportunities to the way it makes our weather more mild. We wouldn’t give up our beautiful lake for anything.
What would you consider a privilege you have because you live in Milwaukee? What did we miss? Let us know in the comment section!
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