The One Place Near Philadelphia That Must Be Seen To Be Believed
There are so many wonders in Pennsylvania hiding just outside of the city. We’re so close to mountains and hills that it’s easy to plan a day hiking in a place that’s unlike any other. One spot in particular is nearly unbelievable – until you hear it for yourself.


Each rock has a unique pitch or sound, and so far, scientists and geologists have been unable to pinpoint exactly why these boulders ring like they do! We don't need a scientific explanation to have fun here, though - just don't forget your hammer.
Recently, a local band took to the field to write a percussive song using just the rocks... check it out below!
Recently, a local band took to the field to write a percussive song using just the rocks... check it out below!
Find Ringing Rocks Park at the corner of Lonely Cottage Road and Ringing Rocks Road in Upper Black Eddy, PA 189722.
If you love exploring the Pennsylvania mountains, you should plan a road trip this spring to see the state’s best waterfalls – many of them are within two hours of Philadelphia, up in the Pocono Mountains!
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