You Haven't Lived Until You've Experienced This One Incredible Park In St. Louis
By Nikki Rhoades|Published January 08, 2018
Nikki Rhoades
Nikki is a lifelong Ohioan with a love for literature. She holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Akron and has enjoyed publishing her written work since 2007. She has a love of travel and does so frequently, though she believes that home is where the heart is — she continues to work in and around Cleveland as a digital content specialist to this day, working on everything from commercial scripts and social media posts to grassroots marketing initiatives.
St. Louis is an undeniably eclectic town. From the multitude of cultures that populate our artsy neighborhoods to the very words we use, there is a uniquely St. Louis flair to even the simplest of places. A park, for example, is a place one would expect to be serene and peaceful. This one park in St. Louis is just that, but it’s certainly got a personality all its own… and the giants that inhabit it might take you by surprise.
The space was created for Sonya "Sunny" Glassberg as a gift for the children of St. Louis. Kids and grown ups alike enjoy this zany attraction, and it is truly striking all year long. Cassilly is also remembered as the founder of City Museum.
You'll love getting to know the personalities of these giants.
Among the species represented in these statues are a snapping turtle, soft-shelled turtle, and a red-eared slider. Each has a different appearance, and kids of all ages love how these sculptures help unleash the imaginations.
Amazingly, this playground is part of Forest Park.
You'll love exploring your adventurous side at this incredible park!
There is so much to love in St. Louis, and locals adore the city for its flair for the dramatic. This charming park is just one of the many places that locals cherish, as it is undeniably one of a kind. Where is your favorite park in the city? Let us know in the comments!