By Serena Maria Daniels|Published February 25, 2016
Serena Maria Daniels
Serena Maria Daniels is an award-winning freelance journalist in Detroit, by way of Chicago, by way of the West Coast. She writes about Michigan for OIYS. Serena enjoys learning about language and culture and taking road trips with her beagle Ralph.
In as huge a state as Michigan is, there are bound to be tons of details about the Mighty Mitten you’ve never even heard before…that is, at least, until now. Thanks to a list of factoids posted by Live Love Michigan, we’re fast learning more about our Great Lakes State than we ever thought possible.
The fact sheet goes over 37 things you probably never knew about all facets of Michigan history, paying particular attention to the Great Lakes. Here, we give you a sneak peek at some of the fascinating trivia, with focus on massive Lake Superior. Here, have a look.
1. Lake Superior is actually not a lake at all, but an inland sea.
4. Contained within Lake Superior is a whopping 10% of the world’s fresh surface water
5. Lake Superior contains three quadrillion gallons of water (3,000,000,000,000,000). All five of the Great Lakes combined contain 6 quadrillion gallons.